- Get a good attitude about money. You do that by learning exactly the lessons you learned about money when you were younger and understand them.
- Create your first budget by making a money-in list a money-out list. First, calculate how much money is left over and then break the costs into monthly savings. Next, figure out what the monthly budget is for your year. Next, assign categories to your expenses, so you understand if they are bills, usage bills, or cash expenses. Then use her rules to figure out if you’re not making enough money, or you just have too many expenses.
- Go through your list of expenses and see ways that you can reduce the amount you’re spending. Look for ways that you can increase your income. Then recalculate your savings. Go through this with a fine-tooth comb. Are there subscriptions you have that you no longer use? Are there ways that you can reduce the bills that you have already?
- Separate your funds, make sure that you have a checking account for your incoming money, a checking account for your outgoing money, savings account for your emergency savings, and savings account for everything else.
- Get automated. Make sure that when you pay your bills, you’re using all the technology to get that done. Make sure that you’re in control of those accounts. Use notifications and everything else you can to get those bills paid out on time.
- Start out with her first step of making a list of money coming in and out. Calculate those expenses for every month and then begin to categorize it. Get that very first budget in place.