- The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again by Catherine Price
SPARK – When We Know Something is Fun, we can get more of it through the SPARK plan.
- Make Space – find the right place to have fun. If it is bowling, find an alley. If it is painting, find a place to do it.
- Pursue Passions – Do what you love doing. Chances are your passion is related to areas you have fun.
- Attract Fun – Use magnets to bring more fun to your life.
- Rebel – Do something you aren’t used to doing or outside your boundaries. Being a little edgy will help you find new fun.
- Keep at it – If you find it fun, keep trying it! Fun is work and will take effort on your part.
Questions of Fun Identification
- What causes laughter?
- What causes you to lose track of time?
- What helps you have the sense of letting go or releasing stress?
- Write those times in a journal.
Find Out What Isn’t Fun
- Actions that produce high energy and are enjoyable are true fun.
- The things that are high energy but not that enjoyable are sources of stress for us.
- Things that are low energy and not enjoyable are places where we are bored.
- The things that are enjoyable, but cause low energy for us, our pastimes, hobbies, pleasant things, but not that great
Create the Fun Quadrant
- Take the time you had true fun and break them into a quadrant of high energy to low energy and enjoyable, not enjoyable. Now you can see what true fun was.
Fun Magnets
- Take the actual fun events and break them into smaller pieces of places, people, and actions. Try to see what is familiar with all the details you have. Do this with a friend, see their fun magnets, and figure out where you overlap. These are the areas that you will enjoy together.
Be the Architect of Your Fun
- Once you have these fun magnets set, become the leader of your fun by creating opportunities to have more fun. Then, make sure you get to those locations. Be with the people who help you have true fun and start acting on those events that cause it.
- Start thinking about the most prominent and memorable times when you had true fun. Again, who were you with? What was the environment like, and what were you doing and see if you could start seeing trends? Break them down into small fun magnets so that you can start figuring out the following steps to having more fun.