I talk about the book from Brené Brown Brave the Wilderness which about the importance of being brave and bringing everyone in, even those we don’t agree with. She explained that true belonging is about standing in our own opinion, presenting our authentic selves to the world, and having the courage to stand alone when necessary. She also mentioned that belonging is an innate human desire to be part of something larger than ourselves, which often leads us to try to acquire it by seeking approval and fitting in. However, true belonging can only happen when we have self-acceptance and present our authentic selves to the world.
She went on to say that true belonging is not something we can gain or something that someone can give us. It’s something we carry in our hearts. Once we believe thoroughly in ourselves, true belonging becomes ours. She challenged us to think about a situation where we feel ourselves trying to gain admiration, appreciation, or a sense of belonging from someone else. She suggested that we can start small and show ourselves that we can stand as our true selves and be okay with it, without looking towards others for validation.
In conclusion, Brene was inspiring by telling us to connect with others and to be kind. It reminded me of the importance of being authentic and standing in our own opinion, even if it means standing alone. It’s only when we have self-acceptance and believe in ourselves that we can experience true belonging. I hope you take the challenge and think about a situation where you can be your authentic self and stand alone.