- You don’t have to pick just one thing. If you are a generalist, you’re able to do lots of things and use your skills in lots of different ways, then learning becomes easier because you become good at learning
- Be a translator for everyone because you have so many skills and background knowledge on so many things. Take what you learn and translate it to other people who maybe know it from a different aspect.
- Know when you should take on new things and when you have plenty of new things. Add any new ideas to the parking lot to try later.
- Take time to tinker. Realize that you may not be productive when you’re starting out with something in what you’re trying to do. Allow yourself that time to learn and grow.
- Know when to quit. Sometimes you’re just done with something, or it’s not providing you the benefit you thought it was, or maybe it’s just time to move on to something else. Understand when that time is
- Know the three C’s and when you’re involved in each of them. If you’re Creating, just create and don’t get involved in other things. When you’re Connecting and Consuming (also learning), make sure that you mix those two things together to let the two help each other do better.
- Join other people who are like you and learn how together, you can enhance your multipotential light lives. There are online groups, Facebook groups, or just people around you. It always helps to increase your network. If you’re starting to feel doubt inside, get to the core with the help of other people.
- Create a five-item parking lot of things that you would like to take on next. What interests do you have? What would you love to start working on when you’re done with your current projects?